You may be wondering how is it possible to run a people counter system over a CCTV or IP cameras? People counting can be possible with different sets of hardware and software solutions, like sensors, depth cameras, lidars; but we will talk about how to count people specifically from camera video streams.
We recommend reading our How Vidmetrica works page before to see how VidMetrica works in 1000-feet. Then, you can continue reading this post to know about details of the people counting system we implemented.
As the primary point, survelliance camera or IP/CCTV camera based people counting works with the help of computer vision and artificial intelligence. As VidMetrica, we build state of the art AI technologies to process video sources to extract data from them. Latest improvements on computer vision technologies and our experience let us to develop people related data extraction with over 99% confidence.
1. Connecting to cameras.
The process starts with being able to collect video stream data from camera sources in popular formats like RTSP. VidMetrica connects these video streams and prepares the video data before processing it on the artificial intelligence engine. This operation is called pre-processing. Pre-processing includes steps like cropping the image (Fence). In most cases, only a selection of the area is asked to be counted. For example, only a queue of people is asked to be counted/processed for a checkout area.
2. Configuring what and how to count people
In this step, camera-specific parameters are set. For our COVID-19 people analysis solution includes defining parameters include below.
- Social distancing threshold in meters.
- People per m2 ratio.
- People density in a certain area.
- People homogenization in a certain area.
3. Running the people counter algorithm and getting results, analytics, and alarm notifications.
VidMetrica software runs artificial intelligence (AI) based people counting algorithm over the pre-processed image data and generates metrics with the camera-specific configuration.
Resulted analytics data includes below.
- People count
- People density
- Social distancing safety
- Average social distancing
- People homogenization ratio
- People per m2
Please notice that all of these steps are running on your on-premise network. Thus, you are all in GDPR compliance and you don’t share your video data anywhere. Also, you can run all the parts of the software under your control.
VidMetrica has integration with most popular data analytics tools, including Metabase, Grafana, ElasticSearch Kibana, Microsoft PowerBI and Amazon Quicksight. You can access and query realtime data to getting know about real-time people count and density. In addition to this, you can perform long-term analytics over your data to understand trends over time.
You can visit our Features page to see what kind of metrics we can produce, then we recommend downloading our 2021 brochure to get to know about our solutions against COVID-19.